History of our organization
Foundedon the principles of Sikhism, Ferozpuria Humanity club is selflessly serving the society Truthfulliving, devotion to the creator, and service to humanity are the 3 coreprinciples of Sikhism. A relatively new yet well-known charity organization, Ferozpuria Humanity club, has imbibed these principles as their core values and is offering selfless service to fellow humans. Kindness comes naturally to Ferozpuria Humanity club. The club believes in serving without bragging about it.

About Ferozpuria Welfare Society
Ferozpuria Humanity Club is a non-profit organization that registered itself in 2020. However, they committed themselves to the service of humanity long before the registration. With honesty, and service at their core, they carry out philanthropic activities that help the people affected by disasters like epidemics, bushfires, earthquakes, floods, wars, etc. Since the registration in 2020, they have been helping covid affected families by providing food, medicines, etc. They have also been helping those who have lost livelihood because of the pandemic by helping them to find new jobs.
At the root of their acts of kindness lies the belief that the world is a big community and each one of the community must work to help others. The spirit of kindness and brethren motivates Ferozpuria Humanity club to carry on with their efforts without being demotivated by the challenges they face.
We asked the founding members about one initiative they are most passionate about. They said that all the initiatives are precious to them but they aim to help the farmers by any means. This is because the farmers do a lot for society and without them, none of us can survive. The club aims to help the farmers with the challenges they face in their everyday life. Some regular areas of emphasis include de-fencing and re-fencing activities in farms, removal of debris, fundraising for critical tasks, etc.
On being asked what is in it for them, the president said that they are in it for satisfaction. He also said that if all of us commit ourselves to service, there will be no suffering in the world. In the past, they have done a lot more than natural disaster relief work. They have helped to identify illegal orphanages to rescue children. Later, they reunited the children with their families. Apart from this, they have also worked hard to make people in rural areas aware of the negatives of child marriage and child labor. The club believes that spreading awareness is as important as groundwork.
Ferozpuria club is committed to the service of humankind. We wish them luck in their efforts and hope that more such organizations surface and make the world a better place.

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